My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Starting Measurements and Weight

Ok this has to be one of the tougher posts to make, but here goes. I'm not quite sure how accurate my measurements are because I had a somewhat difficult time measuring myself last night, so I will get my hubby to help me re-measure when he gets home from work. I'll also work on getting a before picture up.

Measurements (inches):

Neck: 15.25
L Upper Arm: 15.75
R Upper Arm: 16
Bust: 51.75
Ribs: 49.25
Waist: 51
Abdomen: 54.75
Buttocks: 52.75
L Upper Thigh: 27
R Upper Thigh: 27
L Calf: 19.5
R Calf: 19.5
L Upper Knee: 20
R Upper Knee: 20.25




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how tough that was for you, because I know how tough it would be for me!
I'm proud of you! You are going to be so proud of yourself!

3:56 PM  
Blogger Tishia said...

Rhonda you and I have a lot in common (I've been finding something to comment about on all your posts....LOL)! We are even right around the same weight and I measure pretty close to your measurements! Maybe God let me stumble upon your blog for a reason!!!!!

10:54 PM  

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