My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pre-Cleanse Day 1

I ordered the 30 Day Cleansing Program, but I will be starting with the 9 Day Regimen and then transitioning into the 30 Day. I chose the Natural Berry, 2 Vanilla, and 2 Chocolate Shake Pack.

I received my products yesterday, and today I started my Pre-Cleanse. Today will be a little off because I missed my morning shake and accelerator capsule. I was out scale shopping this morning because when I weighed myself on my old scale, it kept reading a different number and a higher reading at that - nope can't have that lol. So I got a digital scale this time.

I'm used to sugary drinks and high fat foods, so I really have to adjust to all of this, but it can be done. I just have to get my taste buds used to not getting all that junk anymore. I'll work on making the shakes taste better naturally because plain is very difficult for me to drink right now. I'm going to have to order me an IsaBlender here soon.

I only had one shake today, and I snacked a bit late, but I didn't do too bad in regards to cals, fat, and carbs. I also need to work on my water intake. I did horribly on drinking water today. Tomorrow is another day though!

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