My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pre-Cleanse Day 2

So far so good. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 2 lbs. I know that my weight can fluctuate, but hey not bad for just one pre-cleanse day! Weekly weigh-ins will be on Wednesdays, and that's the number I'll be going by most. Measurements will be taken then as well.

I made my shake too thick this morning, and that was tough to drink. I added some frozen strawberries, ice, a little 2% organic milk, and of course water and 2 scoops of shake. It came out better than just drinking the vanilla plain, but I still haven't found the right mix for me with the vanilla.

Tonight I had the chocolate shake. I added 4 oz 2% organic milk, 4 oz water, and a pinch of sugar. I have found the mix for me with the chocolate! Adding sugar wasn't the best option, but it was very little to the point of it really being insignificant, and it was easy to drink, so I'm happy about that. I really need to work on the vanilla though. I'll figure out something I'm sure.

Hubby, the kids, and I went to one of our county parks and walked one of the trails. I'm not sure how much we walked, but I'd say it was at least 2 miles. We let the kids run around and play too. It was great! The bugs were a tad on the annoying side, but we survived lol.


Blogger Tishia said...

Ok too funny - as in a previous comment I said I was finding something to comment on just about all your posts....well here's another....LOL! When I was dieting or when I do diet Wednesdays are my weigh in days! How crazy!

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I will keep reading. Please take the time to visit my blog about loss weight program

12:50 AM  

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