My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Tips For Maintaining Weight

1. Get in the habit of eating half portions.

2. Pay attention to what you are eating. Chew each bite of your meal 20 times and take your time. Many people eat beyond satisfaction because they eat too fast.

3. Rather than snacking when you're not hungry, exercise. Take a walk around the office or outside.

4. Don't stop for fast food more than once in a week, if at all, and be careful of the choices you make when you do stop.

5. If fat reduction is your goal, limit yourself to 20 grams of fat a day. If you are on a maintenance program, make sure no more than 25% to 30% of your total daily calories come from fat.

6. Pay attention to your calorie, carbohydrate and the fat gram intake. You could eat fat-free candy and sweets all day and never lose any weight.

7. Eat raw fresh fruits and vegetables.

8. If you "cheat" doesn't mean the end of your diet. Get right back on track and never give up. Remember Isagenix is about a lifestyle change.

9. Get in the habit of walking and deep breathing, because these activities are important to helping you lose weight and feeling better. Walking to the store rather than driving, taking the stairs, and parking your car farther out in the parking lot all can contribute to helping you fell better.

10. Never go to the grocery store hungry! Always eat before you shop for groceries. Always prepare a shopping list before going to the grocery store.

11. Learn to separate your protein and carbohydrate intake. For example, when you eat pasta, eat only vegetables with it and don't eat meat or fish. When you eat meat or fish, only eat vegetables with it - no potatoes, bread or pasta.

12. Plan on spending 21-30 days to anchor your new eating habits. This is called the re-adaptive period. For some the re-adaptive period is less while for some it can be more than 30 days.

13. Plan your menus a day in advance. This eliminates last-minute decisions and simplifies your eating habits.

14. Trust your body to give you the ideal weight for your frame and lifestyle.

15. Minimize consumption of processed foods, chemical additives and preservatives. Eliminate products with high levels of sugar and fat.

16. Use a smaller plate. Diet portions of food look larger and more satisfying served on a smaller plate. A large plate can make even the most generous amounts of food look small.

17. Adopt a fun and high-energy exercise routine.


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