My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Cleanse Day 2

Well only down .5 lbs, but not bad really all things considering. So overall down 3 lbs, and I cheated these past couple days. Yes, I said couple. I'm having some diffculty, and it's personal reasons. I'm under a lot of stress, and I'm an emotional eater. I wasn't really hungry. Today was a great day. Yesterday was rather rough because I was really hungry. I ate again today though, grilled chicken breast, half bun, and some lettuce and a slice of tomato. Not really that horrible, but I feel bad about it. Man being honest sure is hard when it comes to this.

Need to get me some excercise in today, and tomorrow is another day. Still showing progress, so all is not lost, and I'm not going to quit ... stress or not!


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