My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Q&A - Cleansing to Detox vs Losing Weight

Q: I am trying the cleanse for the detox effects, not to lose weight. How many start the cleanse program for the detox vs. weight loss?

A***: Actually, this is not a weight loss program (although that's what everyone talks about since it's so exciting and over 81% of the population is overweight), but it was never intended for weight loss. It was a overall nutritional and cleanse program and the wonderful side benefit is that everyone started losing weight. When I started almost 4 years ago, we didn't even really know why that was happening. But it did!

But, many people cleanse on a regular basis for the health of it and also many, many athletes and body builders use this system to cleanse and replenish their bodies, because the most unique aspect of the program is that you retain and build lean muscle.

And think of this, fat actually serves a purpose in the body (even if we don't like it ). It enrobes and incarcerates the toxins to keep them away from our organs. So I believe that lean people who don't have the fat to protect themselves from the toxins are at even as much risk or greater risk than overweight people and so EVERYONE needs to cleanse. Even the thinnest people these days, if you notice they will have a little tummy pouch from those stored toxins. My friend Dr. Becky Natrajan talks about lean people on the CD and DVD. It really makes sense.

And I have found with people that if they don't need to lose weight, they won't but they will still usually lose inches from releasing those toxins, and I've had even heard stories of those who are anorexic and bulimic and actually put on weight while cleansing. The body will restore to it's ideal state if we cleanse and then feed the body what it's missing.

That's just my personal take on it and what I have seen over 4 years with others.

Cleansing and Weight Loss

***Answer provided by my sponsor, Kimber King (thanks!)


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