My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Learned a Lesson

Don't work out for 30 mins on an elliptical with no shoes on! Ouch my heels were killing me and I got a blister. Not sure why that put a blister on the side of my heel though, but it was a big one. It took a little while to be able to fully step on my heels after that. Was that a blonde moment or what? LOL. Anyway, I learned my lesson, and that won't happen again.

Yep, I got me a free elliptical. Our neighbors are moving, and they had a yard sale, and apparently whatever they didn't sell, they threw out. Now normally I'm not one to pick-up people's trash, but my husband snagged it, and it looks like they hardly ever used it if they even used it at all! Works for me. It's in perfect working condition. Hubby checked it out really well, and tested it out, tightened all the bolts, and I was all set. It works great! It displays time, distance, speed, and calories burned. Now I have something to do when the weather is bad or I just don't feel like taking a walk. So I'm happy and I saved a lot of money too - woo hoo lol.


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