My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

From the Heart and Some NSVs

I love how I've been feeling lately. I just have more energy and feel much better. I can run around and act goofy with the kids without feeling so winded and worn out seconds after I start playing with them. I feel more attractive to my husband, and I love the fact that he notices my weight loss, and compliments me on it, and lets me know how proud he is of my progress. That means a lot to me, and it helps me to keep on going. I still have a ways to go, but I'm going to do this. I haven't felt this good in a long time, and I've come such a long way already.

I've been kinder to myself. I was always my worst critic, and I could be quite cruel, but even that has improved because I can SEE that I am actually succeeding with this when other times I have failed. My self-esteem has improved drastically already because I have it in my head now that I WILL make it, and I CAN do this. Sure I get discouraged sometimes, and I mess up, but for me quitting is not an option - I don't even want to. I want to make it and reach my goal too much! I struggled at first with the program, but it was temporary, and I got throuugh it quickly. I got in the right mindset, and I made some modifications , and I made it work for me. Now it's going great, and I feel so blessed to have Isagenix in my life right now. Some people won't understand the program or the benefits, and some will start and not follow through for one reason or another. That's their decision, but I know that it takes more than just needing or even wanting to lose weight or get healthy ... you have to be ready mentally. You have to know that yes, you are going to do this and stick with it because YOU WILL SUCCEED. You need to have that belief in your head that YOU CAN DO THIS and YOU DESERVE IT! The right mindset goes a long way! I love the results I've been having, and I'm MOVING FORWARD - I can see my goal off in the distance, and I will reach it.

Ok that was my little pep talk (they help me lol) - now back to my NSV report ...

I've been keeping up with exercising. Really mostly walking, elliptical, and some resistance/ strength training. Well, the other day I went on one of my walks, that I actually haven't been on in awhile, and I actually got some joggin in without feeling like I was going to die from exhaustion! Before it was tough to do any type of jogging, and I didn't really do it much, but I would walk and add in some joggin spurts. In time those spurts got longer, and they still are. So that's great. Definitely makes me feel that I'm really going to be ready for this bridge run next year. I want to at least do a walk/ run.

I know the whole size 38 pants obsession is getting old, but I'm determined to get into those bad boys lol. Well, still not there yet, BUT I got them up and buttoned and even zipped them up! Sure I had to suck it in and lie down on the floor to do it ... and well I couldn't get up with them on either, but still LOL. Joking aside, that did let me know that I will be in them soon enough! I'm running out of clothes to wear because they are getting too big - woo hoo! Gonna have to go shopping soon.


Blogger Kassandra Bragg said...

Your blog made me cry! Then it made me laugh! You are such a talented writer. I think you should put all these posts together, and when you reach your goal publish it in a book! Ebook, or paperback, it doesn't matter, but your story is truly touching and will positively affect the lives of many! I believe God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and this story will be a huge part of it!

God Bless You!


11:12 AM  

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