My Weight Loss Journal

My journey to a thinner, healthier me through nutrition and body cleansing to safely and naturally lose weight.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Plan of Action

I'm still around, but I haven't exactly gotten back on program yet, BUT I do have a plan. A few friends and I will be doing a 9 day starting Sept 5th. This is motivation for all of us to get going and lose the weight and feel fabulous! So that will push my weigh-ins to Thurs for the time being, although on Tues the 5th, I will post my starting over weight. Not going to be thrilled with the numbers because I have gained some weight back, but it's only a temporary set-back. Now I just want to note here that it wasn't because I went off program that made be gain back some weight. It's the fact that I resorted back to my horrible eating habits. So it's like I'm starting over again, but not from square one though because I've still come a long way, and I'm still in my 16s no problem, so I haven't gained enough to change the size clothes I was wearing last time I weighed-in, so that's a plus. I just have farther to go to get as close to a 14 as I was before. That's ok though. I'll get there. My goal now is to be in ONEDerland before Thanksgiving, preferably 175 or 180 by then, but I'm not pushing it.

So anyone who has been considering doing the program come on and join us on our cleanse! The more the merrier :).

Friday, August 04, 2006

What Happened?

Perhaps there are some wondering where my weigh-in was for the week. Well, I have no loss to report this time around. I've gone off track, and I need some time to pull myself together and get going in the right direction again. Sure I have my reasons aka excuses on why that is ... and they seem like big obstacles to me, but I still could have overcome them, but there were times I didn't even resist. Not making sense? Well, it doesn't all make much sense to me either. I was doing really well. I'm not perfect, and I certainly have demonstrated my lack of perfection the past couple weeks. I don't know what came over me. Well, ok perhaps I do. Stress, lack of sleep ... which leads to more things that I'm not even going to take the time to go into because really it's all excuses. Funny how they seem like real justifiable reasons to the person who's going through it though. Perhaps that's just what I have convinced myself of.

Am I quitting? Heck no! My plan is to be in ONEderland by the end of the month. My course may have changed and lengthened my trip, but I'm still going to get there. Failure is not an option because I'm not going to quit. I'm going to convention next year, and I will be in the 100 lbs losers club onstage with my friends and many others who won the battle of the bulge.

I've come a long way, not only by already losing over 50 lbs, but because I'm not allowing a setback keep me from reaching my goals. Many times before I would just quit, and say well I screwed up, might as well just quit now ... what's the point? The point is that it's not over. Making mistakes isn't the end of the world. It's human nature. We all mess up sometimes ... even at things we're really great at.

It's hard to share when I do mess up, but I have to because I want people to know that I go through struggles sometimes too. As I said, I'm not perfect, and they don't have to be either. There are people that get on this program and are extremely disciplined and have no problems. That's not me. Would be great if it was, but it's not, and I'm guessing that would apply to most people. Now whether or not they choose to admit it that's another story. Then again, I could be wrong though.

So ... I'm working on pulling myself together and getting back on track now. I'm trying to catch up to the wagon right now to get back on it. That bump that knocked me off was a real doozy. It ain't over 'til this fat woman ain't fat no more! I have my 10 year high school reunion next year. I have the bridge run. My goal is to be around 150 by my bday next year. Granted I may decide not to lose that much, but for now that's my goal. It may not be smooth sailing the whole way, but I'm going to make it happen regardless!